Add in template components
Add laws you can affect by clicking on the town hall such as taxes, etc.
Add ability to manually collect resources from forests or rocks by clicking a bunch of times
Create map with different elevation levels (closer to center usually is more higher up)
Add the ability to assign or unassign people to buildings using the UI that appears when clicking
Add chance for buildings to randomly get struck by lightning at high flooding/storm levels
Add weather system to change flooding level based on a predetermined flooding chain. Every so often the flooding/storm level changes to get higher or lower
Add building framework to populate building stuff based on information in the data system
Add the ability to click on a building to see information about it on the right side of the screen
Adds building: generator - uses wood to create power
Adds building: mine - collects stone from nearby rocks
Add building: forester - collects wood from nearby forests. Needs people assigned to it and more people assigned = more powerful
Add system to do random events the player can choose an option for to affect their city
e.g. getting a group of people to increase your population
Add building: house - Gives you more max population when built
Add system to do random events the player can choose an option for to affect their city
Add top UI for showing current weather + resources + population
Add in template components