class_name UnlocksType extends Base # Signals # Constants const LOG_CATEGORY = "LOCK" var unlocks = {} func unlock_item(key: String, category: String): if not unlocks.has(category): if _logger: _logger.error("Attempted to unlock item %s in invalid category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) return if not unlocks[category].has(key): if _logger: _logger.error("Attempted to unlock invalid item %s in category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) return if unlocks[category][key]: if _logger: _logger.warn("Unlocked already unlocked item %s in category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) unlocks[category][key].status = true if _logger:"Unlocked item %s in category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) func lock_item(key: String, category: String): if not unlocks.has(category): if _logger: _logger.error("Attempted to lock item %s in invalid category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) return if not unlocks[category].has(key): if _logger: _logger.error("Attempted to lock invalid item %s in category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) return if not unlocks[category][key]: if _logger: _logger.warn("Locked already locked item %s in category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) unlocks[category][key].status = false if _logger:"Locked item %s in category %s" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) func reset_unlocks(): if (_data): unlocks = {} for category in var category_data =[category] if category_data.has("!_config"): if category_data["!_config"].has("unlock"): if category_data["!_config"]["unlock"] == "true": unlocks[category] = {} for key in category_data: if key == "!_config": continue var element = category_data[key] if element.has("locked"): if element["locked"] == "true": if not element.has("unlock_trigger"): if _logger: _logger.warn("Locked element %s in category %s has no unlock trigger" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) unlocks[category][key] = { "status": false } continue if not element.has("unlock_amount"): if _logger: _logger.warn("Locked element %s in category %s has no unlock amount" % [key, category], LOG_CATEGORY) unlocks[category][key] = { "status": false } continue if is_nan(int(element["unlock_amount"])): if _logger: _logger.warn("Locked element %s in category %s unlock amount %s is not a number" % [key, category, element["unlock_amount"]], LOG_CATEGORY) unlocks[category][key] = { "status": false } continue unlocks[category][key] = { "status": false, "trigger": element["unlock_trigger"], "amount": int(element["unlock_amount"]) } else: unlocks[category][key] = { "status": true } else: unlocks[category][key] = { "status": true } if _logger:"Reset Unlocks", LOG_CATEGORY) func _ready(): super() reset_unlocks() #func _on_number_persisted(key: String, value, category: PersisterType.DataCategory): #_check_trigger(key, value) func _check_trigger(key: String, value: int): for category in unlocks: var category_data = unlocks[category] for element in category_data: var element_data = category_data[element] if not element_data.has("trigger"): continue if element_data["trigger"] != key: continue if element_data["status"]: continue if _logger: _logger.debug("Checking trigger %s for item %s in category %s: %d (required) vs %d (incoming)" % [key, element, category, element_data["amount"], value], LOG_CATEGORY) if value > element_data["amount"]: unlock_item(element, category)