61 lines
2 KiB
61 lines
2 KiB
#region Header
#01. tool
#02. class_name
#03. extends
extends Sprite2D
#region Documentation
#04. # docstring
## hoge
#region Body
#05. signals
#06. enums
#08. variables
var is_dragging = false
var initial_position = Vector2.ZERO
var initial_mouse_position = Vector2.ZERO
#09. methods
func _ready() -> void:
var left_click = InputEventMouseButton.new()
left_click.button_index = MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT
if !InputMap.has_action("click"):
InputMap.action_add_event("click", left_click)
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("click") and is_mouse_over():
is_dragging = true
initial_position = global_position
initial_mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position()
if is_dragging:
if Input.is_action_just_released("click"):
is_dragging = false
global_position = get_global_mouse_position() - initial_mouse_position + initial_position
func is_mouse_over() -> bool:
if get_global_mouse_position().x >= global_position.x - get_rect().size.x / 2 and get_global_mouse_position().x <= global_position.x + get_rect().size.x / 2:
if get_global_mouse_position().y >= global_position.y - get_rect().size.y / 2 and get_global_mouse_position().y <= global_position.y + get_rect().size.y / 2:
return true
return false
#10. signal methods