import c from 'child_process'
import f, { readdir, writeFileSync as w } from 'fs'
import p from 'path'

let l = [ 'pre-commit', 'pre-merge-commit', 'prepare-commit-msg', 'commit-msg', 'post-commit', 'applypatch-msg', 'pre-applypatch', 'post-applypatch', 'pre-rebase', 'post-rewrite', 'post-checkout', 'post-merge', 'pre-push', 'pre-auto-gc' ],
	msg = `echo "husky - DEPRECATED\n\nPlease remove the following two lines from $0:\n\n#!/usr/bin/env sh\n. \\"\\$(dirname -- \\"\\$0\\")/_/\\"\n\nThey WILL FAIL in v10.0.0\n"`

export default (d = '.husky') => {
	if (process.env.HUSKY === '0') return 'HUSKY=0 skip install'
	if (d.includes('..')) return '.. not allowed'
	if (!f.existsSync('.git')) return `.git can't be found`

	let _ = (x = '') => p.join(d, '_', x)
	let { status: s, stderr: e } = c.spawnSync('git', ['config', 'core.hooksPath', `${d}/_`])
	if (s == null) return 'git command not found'
	if (s) return '' + e

	f.rmSync(_(''), { force: true })
	f.mkdirSync(_(), { recursive: true })
	w(_('.gitignore'), '*')
	f.copyFileSync(new URL('husky', import.meta.url), _('h'))
	l.forEach(h => w(_(h), `#!/usr/bin/env sh\n. "\$(dirname "\$0")/h"`, { mode: 0o755 }))
	w(_(''), msg)
	return ''